Which hair transplant technique should be used?

The recognition and spread of hair transplantation day by day brings with it alternative hair transplantation techniques. Compared to the techniques used in the past, today we perform hair transplant operations using newer technologies, reducing the risk of complications and achieving a more natural and permanent hair appearance. Hair transplant methods are among the research and frequently asked questions of our patients who have hair loss problem and want to undergo hair transplant. Which technique will provide a better result and which technique suits the individual’s hair structure are among the question marks in the minds of most of our patients. Many factors such as the size and severity of hair loss in the patient and the area where we need a transplant play a role in determining the correct hair transplant technique.

We benefit from the highest level of opportunities offered by new technologies in the operations that we perform in our clinic, thus, we successfully perform hair transplant operations. We can perform a more efficient and comfortable hair transplant operation by performing the most frequently used FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplant techniques in professional hair transplant centers with innovative devices . With the help of the Sapphire FUE technique and the Swiss Steel Implanter Pen, we plan our process by determining the most appropriate DHI hair transplant techniques for our patient’s profile, hair transplant area and hair structure. . In addition, we do meticulous planning taking into account the personal preferences of our patients before and after the operation, thus maximizing the success of the operation and patient satisfaction.


Hair transplantation with the FUE method refers to the most frequently applied hair transplantation technique in the world. The FUE technique, which is frequently used because it allows hair transplantation in large planting areas, means the extraction of follicular units. In the hair transplants we perform with this method, we first remove healthy hair follicles from the donor area. As a donor area, we usually prefer the area with dense hair on the nape or the back of the head. In the second step we open the channels where we will place these grafts in the area where we will plant the channel, and in the third and last step we place the roots inside the channels. In Sapphire (Sapphire) FUE, which is a newly developed special approach to FUE hair transplantation, we open the hair follicles that we have collected with FUE technique using a sapphire tip pen.

While a steel tipped pen is used in the classic FUE method, the use of a very fine sapphire pen in sapphire FUE allows for smaller and more frequent grooves. This is due to the unique structure and hardness of sapphire, which is a precious metal. The hair follicles that we transplant into the open channels gently and frequently using a special pen can heal quickly because tissue damage is much less in these microchannels. This way, while scab formation is reduced, there is no possibility of leaving a visible scar.

The opened microchannels for hair follicles in Sapphire FUE allow for planting in accordance with the natural direction of hair growth. In this way, we can achieve a very natural hair appearance after hair transplantation.

The duration of the hair transplant operation varies depending on the size of the area where we are going to transplant. When hair transplantation is performed on a large area, operation times may be extended because it is necessary to take a large number of grafts, open a large number of channels and graft grafts into each channel. After hair transplantation with the FUE Sapphire technique, we apply a solution with growth factor (growth factor) on the channels that we have opened, and we ensure that the skin is soothed. While this speeds healing, it also helps reduce the unwanted appearance of scabs.

 Since the Sapphire Pen causes much less damage to the surface of the skin, our patients’ scalp looks much better after the Sapphire FUE operation compared to conventional FUE. As a result, it is possible for our patients to recover quickly after the procedure and resume their social and professional lives as soon as possible.

DHI Hair Transplant with Swiss Steel Implanter Pen

A hair transplant performed with the direct hair implantation or DHI method is a different version of hair transplantation, which is usually performed with the FUE technique. While FUE hair transplantation is a three-step process including graft removal, grooving and graft placement, in DHI technique, grooving and graft placement are done in one step. In DHI hair transplantation performed using a special pen (implanter pen), we first take the grafts with the FUE technique.

 Until the graft collection process is completed, the operation is performed exactly the same as the FUE method. We prefer to take the healthy hair follicles that we will plant from the neck and the back of the head. We can assess different regions in people who do not have enough hair follicles in that region. After the graft harvesting process, we place each hair follicle into the implanter pen. When we apply the pen to the planting area after placing the root, we can complete the process of opening the channel and place the graft in the channel in one go.

As it takes some time to place the collected roots into the implanter pen, we generally prefer the DHI method for smaller planting areas compared to FUE. However, we can also benefit from the DHI method when transplanting hair to areas that are not completely bald and have thinning hair. In DHI hair transplantation with Swiss steel implanter pen, we reduce the problem of bleeding and scab formation and minimize the possibility of scarring, because the grooving and grafting are done at the same time and the special pen used has a very fine structure. The duration of the intervention varies according to the number of grafts to be grafted. Similar processes await our patients after the operations we perform with FUE and DHI methods. We have various suggestions for our patients on certain issues such as not lifting weights after the operation, avoiding the use of certain medications, being careful while washing your hair.

Even if the hair transplant operation is successful, our patients should pay enough attention to them so that the transplanted roots can hold in a healthy way. Being in meticulous planning with our patients before and after surgery helps us take the right steps every step of the way, thus achieving the best results.

One of the frequently asked questions by our patients who want to undergo hair transplantation and apply to our clinic is which hair transplantation technique should I use. These hair transplant methods can have patient-specific advantages and disadvantages. Although DHI Hair Transplant is more suitable and effective for one patient, we can recommend FUE Hair Transplant to another patient for ideal result. In other words, there is no single technique that we can define as the best hair transplant method for every patient. During the planning phase of the hair transplant, we determine the method that will give the best results taking into account the types of hair, the severity of hair loss, the size of the transplant area and their personal preferences. Then, by planning a hair transplant accordingly, we perform a successful hair transplant and ensure the satisfaction of our patients.

If you are also considering undergoing a hair transplant and are unsure which hair transplant method to choose, you can get your questions answered by contacting us. You can get information about hair transplant methods and prices by contacting us via Whatsapp or our other contact numbers, and you can start planning your hair transplant process.

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